Structural analysis & design applications

ENGISSOL Ltd. provides analysis and design software applications that are useful for professional engineers. Our aim is to offer generic applications that can be applied within the daily structural engineering practice and boost the efficiency of our clients by reducing their time and effort, while increasing their productivity and efficiency. Our applications are used by individual engineers, companies, universities, public authorities, etc.
Easy to use, instructional tools for simple and complex structural engineering
The applications we offer are easy to operate utilities which can be used for typical every day engineering problems ensuring time saving and cost effective solutions for our users. The prices have been intentionally kept low, a fact that has contributed in making ENGISSOL Ltd. a well respected company worldwide. Of course this global appreciation to ENGISSOL Ltd. involves the top quality services we offer and at the same time confirms our reliability among the international technical community.
2D Frame Analysis
ENGISSOL Ltd. offers 2D Frame Analysis, a great and flexible structural analysis software application that uses optimized finite elements in order to efficiently perform both static and dynamic, linear and non-linear analysis on 2D frames, trusses, continuous beams and other structures. It features a rich user interface with many options that make its use an easy task. Apart from the program's library that includes many predefined cross sections and materials, the user can also create custom sectional and material data. Some analysis features include linar static analysis of beams, frames and trusses, dynamic analysis using response spectrum or time history load cases, unlimited number of load cases, fully interactive user interface, creation of professional calculation reports etc.
Cross Section Analysis & Design
Cross Section Analysis & Design performs all calculation tasks regarding composite, built up and generic cross sections of any material type. Among the program’s capabilities are the calculation and illustration of Moment vs. Curvature graphs, interaction surfaces, stain distributions as well as stress contour plots. Moreover, reinforcement check or design options are also supported. The software fully complies with all major codes for reinforced concrete sections (AASHTO, UBC, AS 3600, IS 456, ACI 318, BS 8110, CSA A233, EC2, NZS 3101 and CP 65) but can also handle other user-defined materials (linear, bilinear, trilinear, parabolic or fully customized materials by providing a stress/strain curve).