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MemberReleases Fields

3D Frame Analysis Library

The MemberReleases type exposes the following members.

Public fieldkrx
Spring constant of partial release for the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldkry
Spring constant of partial release for the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldkrz
Spring constant of partial release for the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldktx
Spring constant of partial release for the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldkty
Spring constant of partial release for the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldktz
Spring constant of partial release for the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldName
Material name
Public fieldrx
Specifies if full release is applied to the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldry
Specifies if full release is applied to the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldrz
Specifies if full release is applied to the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldtx
Specifies if full release is applied to the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldty
Specifies if full release is applied to the corresponding degree of freedom
Public fieldtz
Specifies if full release is applied to the corresponding degree of freedom
See Also