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SectionCheckResults Class

Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 8 Design Library
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EC3Design
Assembly:  EC3Design (in EC3Design.dll) Version: (
public class SectionCheckResults

The SectionCheckResults type exposes the following members.

Public methodSectionCheckResults
Initializes a new instance of the SectionCheckResults class
Public fieldAxialForceResistance
Resistance to axial loads
Public fieldClass22
Section class about zz axis
Public fieldClass33
Section class about yy axis
Public fieldDMy
Resulting additional moment about yy axis because of the centroid shift of the effective area relative to the center of gravity of the gross cross section according to
Public fieldDMz
Resulting additional moment about zz axis because of the centroid shift of the effective area relative to the center of gravity of the gross cross section according to
Public fieldMy_T_V_Rd
Moment resistance about yy axis. It is reduced because of shear and torsion, if needed
Public fieldMz_T_V_Rd
Moment resistance about zz axis. It is reduced because of shear and torsion, if needed
Public fieldRatio
Capacity ratio of this station
Public fieldShearYBucklingCheckNeeded
True, if shear buckling should be checked for shear parallel to Y axis, as 6.2.6(6) of EN1993-1-1 states
Public fieldShearYBucklingRatio
Shear buckling capacity ratio for shear to Y axis
Public fieldShearYBucklingResistance
Calculated shear buckling resistance for one web parallel to Y axis, according to 5.2(1), EN1993-1-5
Public fieldShearZBucklingCheckNeeded
True, if shear buckling should be checked for shear parallel to Z axis, as 6.2.6(6) of EN1993-1-1 states
Public fieldShearZBucklingRatio
Shear buckling capacity ratio for shear to Z axis
Public fieldShearZBucklingResistance
Calculated shear buckling resistance for one web parallel to Z axis, according to 5.2(1), EN1993-1-5
Public fieldV_web_ShearYBuckling
Acting shear force on one web of the section parallel to Y axis
Public fieldV_web_ShearZBuckling
Acting shear force on one web of the section parallel to Z axis
See Also