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BeamDuctilityDesignResults Fields

Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 8 Design Library

The BeamDuctilityDesignResults type exposes the following members.

Public fieldINode_AxialCheck_Satisfied
True, if check (6.3), paragraph 6.6.2(2) for starting node is satisfied, otherwise false
Public fieldINode_Med
Design bending moment of starting node for use in check (6.2), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldINode_MomentCheck_Satisfied
True, if check (6.2), paragraph 6.6.2(2) for starting node is satisfied, otherwise false
Public fieldINode_MRd
Bending moment design resistance of starting node for use in check (6.2), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldINode_Ned
Design axial force of starting node for use in check (6.3), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldINode_NRd
Shear force design resistance of starting node for use in check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldINode_ShearCheck_Satisfied
True, if check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2) for starting node is satisfied, otherwise false
Public fieldINode_Ved
Design shear force of starting node for use in check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldINode_VRd
Shear force design resistance of starting node for use in check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2), according to formula (6.5)
Public fieldJNode_AxialCheck_Satisfied
True, if check (6.3), paragraph 6.6.2(2) for ending node is satisfied, otherwise false
Public fieldJNode_Med
Design bending moment of ending node for use in check (6.2), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldJNode_MomentCheck_Satisfied
True, if check (6.2), paragraph 6.6.2(2) for ending node is satisfied, otherwise false
Public fieldJNode_MRd
Bending moment design resistance of ending node for use in check (6.2), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldJNode_Ned
Design axial force of ending node for use in check (6.3), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldJNode_NRd
Shear force design resistance of ending node for use in check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldJNode_ShearCheck_Satisfied
True, if check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2) for ending node is satisfied, otherwise false
Public fieldJNode_Ved
Design shear force of ending node for use in check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2)
Public fieldJNode_VRd
Shear force design resistance of ending node for use in check (6.4), paragraph 6.6.2(2), according to formula (6.5)
Public fieldMinOmega
Minimum omega value according to 6.7.4(1) for use in check 6.7.3(8)
Public fieldOmegaCheckSatisfied
True, if check 6.7.3(8) is satisfied, otherwise false
See Also